Monthly Archives: December 2014

January 18 – Joanna Wallfisch with Dan Tepfer

As we say goodbye to 2014 and all the beautiful moments of musical magic you have shared with us this year, we want to thank all the great artists, and our great audience! We wish you all a happy new year and invite you to join us next month for the start of the 2015 Parlor Series!


Hailed by the great Fred Hersch as “a real discovery—a first-rate musician in every way,” singer-songwriter Joanna Wallfisch has built an impressive profile since her move to New York from London in 2012. She takes a bold step forward in her creative journey with The Origin of Adjustable Things, a stark and expressive duo album with rising piano master Dan Tepfer. In the mysterious poetry of her lyrics, the freshness of his harmonic choices and the expansiveness of their sonic palette, Wallfisch and Tepfer explore a musical universe of their own making. Combining Tepfer’s “exceptional poise” (New York Times) and Joanna’s “sublime voice” (The Telegraph) the duo has been described as “stylish, rapturous and original” (Jazz in London). The Origin of Adjustable Things, comes out on Sunnyside Records—March 3rd, 2015.

Sunday 18 January, Joanna Wallfisch with Dan Tepfer

Doors at 2:30 PM, concert begins at 3:00 PM sharp.

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December 20 – Robinson and Rohe – “Lightbox Christmas”

A crowd of friends and neighbors has gathered on one of the longest nights of the year. All is warm and cozy inside, while the cold winter wind blows just outside the door. The clatter of wine glasses and mugs filled to the brim with hot cider gives way to silence. And from that radiant silence emerges a song.

Xmas Image (with star)

For the past eight years, Robinson & Rohe has been performing a Lightbox Christmas Concert and Singalong. Annually hosted in their Brooklyn home (always teeming with friends and neighbors), this event is full of good food and drink and beautiful music, and has been a high point of every year. This year, they bring their midwinter music to Dupuy’s Landing, resplendent with a gorgeous set piece, a triptych of paper cut light boxes designed by illustrator Andrew Benincasa.

Liam Robinson and Jean Rohe bring their folk-music roots and contemporary sensibilities to songs new and old. Robinson & Rohe go deep into the Christmas repertoire: the mystical, the melancholic, the soulful, the sublime. Expect songs you may not know: haunting melodies of old Europe, joyful singalongs of the Southern US, and modern takes on the strange and ancient Christmas tale. Please join us for this special evening. Suitable for all ages.

Saturday 20 December, Robinson and Rohe

Doors at 5:00 PM, concert begins at 5:30 PM sharp.

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